Talents for July 15th

源自西班牙文的 Clave 是一種傳統樂器,同時也是常見於非裔古巴族群音樂場域的獨有節奏,經常給人新鮮、具啟發性的印象,能以不同面貌融入各種音樂類型當中。由 2015 年成團開始,Clave 以此為名,就是希望團員能以自己的聲音,持續創作獨立音樂。
由最初的 Neo Soul 和 R&B 風格開始, 慢慢進化至現在的 Alternative、Triphop,主音 Vivienne 空靈的歌聲和 Clave 的獨有節拍都希望帶領大家走入另一個維度,在音樂中逃離煩囂現實,跟着音符親身走入 Clave 舞動的旋律之中。
The name “Clave'' comes from a traditional instrument that is commonly seen in the African-Cuban music scene. With its unique rhythm, it often gave people a fresh and inspiring impression and could be integrated into all kinds of music with different looks. Formation of Clave was inspired by it in 2015, hoping that the members could continue to compose independent music with their own unique voices.
From their Neo Soul and R&B style at the beginning, it gradually evolved to the Funk, City pop Fusion they have currently. No matter which type of music it is, the ethereal airy voice of vocalist Vivienne matches the unique rhythm and approach of the band, leading everyone to another dimension that escapes from the disturbance of reality in their music.
Luna & The Bosin
香港說唱歌手 Luna Is A Bep 機緣巧合下認識的一群朋友,組成了她在現場表演時的恆常 Live Band;在 2022 年首次共同創作單曲〈overthinking〉之後,這群創作人決定於 2023 年發展為「Luna and The Bosin」團隊,既是樂隊身份,同時共同參與 Luna Is A Bep 歌曲的幕後創作。
各成員在 Bosin 以外同時分屬不同樂隊,各有自己喜好的音樂類型,結集成 Bosin 時則強調 Rhythm and Groove,結合 Luna 的歌聲和 Old School Hip Hop 的節奏演繹,希望大家在演出時放任身軀隨旋律舞動,用身體感受 Luna and The Bosin 的律動。
Gathered by fate and love for music, Hong Kong rapper Luna Is A Bep met a group of musician friends, and formed her very own live band after their collaboration in the single "overthinking" in 2022. It led up to the formation of "Luna and The Bosin" in 2023.
Each member of The Bosin are also growing independent musicians of different local bands. The unique characteristics of their music and music preferences merged within The Bosin to emphasise Rhythm and Groove, matching with Luna's voice and unique approach to rhythm of Old School Hip Hop. They are here for a simple goal: make your body groove as your mind free-falls into the melody and flows.

The Hertz
成立於2018年,The Hertz 一直勇於在香港樂壇作出不同嘗試。作為一支嶄露頭角的樂隊,他們將鄉土爵士、搖滾和另類音樂等元素融入廣東流行曲,以歌聲與香港聽眾連成一線。The Hertz 正籌備《THE HERTZ》後的下一個專輯,值得密切期待!
The Hertz has been making huge waves in the Hong Kong music scene. As one of the up and coming bands that have been invited to play in front of thousands of audiences, they have infused Funk, Rock, and Alternatives elements into their Cantonese-written tunes that echo the voice of the Hong Kong youth today. Formed in 2018, The Hertz is now working on their next album after the successful “THE HERTZ”.